Christina+Ted | Dolomites Wedding Photographers

Elopement Adventure Photographers Don+Helen | Wedding Photographers Hotel Lago di Braies Dolomites
Just more than a week ago we had the craziest adventure of the year, we had the privilege to travel to one of the most awe-inspiring places we have ever seen “The Dolomites”. It´s a magical place located in between Italy and Austria. We definitely recommend that you visit this awesome place!!! Do you know why this is the craziest adventure of our year?
Wedding Photographers Hotel Lago di Braies Dolomites
A week ago we are about to touch base to our home island (Gran Canaria, Canary Islands, Spain / Exact location beside Morocco) after our unforgettable crazy experience speaking and teaching at the Snap Photography Festival at Norfolk U.K. when we received a message from a couple venturing from south of Italy to the Dolomites asking if we want to photograph this awesomenessnessness… well… YEAH!!!! TAKE US NOW!!! So the next day we packed for this crazy adventure without having any idea where the heck are the Dolomites XD And this rushed adventure resulted with 24 hour flights and layovers on 5 airports on 4 countries plus a two to three hour drive from Innsbruck, Austria until Lago di Braies, Italy…
When we arrived, were so happy to see that the Dolomites´ beauty exceeded our expectations, oh boy, never seen a place like it!!!! Every spot took our breath away!!! We got there exhausted, thank God we were able to get some food and good sleep. The next day, we started shooting and exploring this wonderful place from 9am until 8pm!!! We will never forget this madness hahaha…
Thank you so much for the madness and adventure Christina and Ted… We love you so much guys, and can’t wait to see you again at your wedding in Hong Kong… And thank you to the most hospitable staff of Hotel Lago di Braies
Elopement Adventure Photographers Don+Helen | Wedding Photographers Hotel Lago di Braies Dolomites
Hacía tanto tiempo que no veía algo tan inspirador. WAOOOO!!!! Estas fotos son tan bellas que necesito detenerme por un buen momento a observarlas una y otra vez. Puedo sentirme formando parte del espacio, sentir la tierra bajo mis pies, la caricia de los troncos, puedo sentirme allí ahora mismo. Es tan nostálgico, lleno de complejidad y a la misma vez tan sencillo, hermoso y lleno de vida. En fin estoy enamorado de esta historia. Un abrazote….
Muchas gracias mi Rey :) Un abrazo fuerte para los dos, y nos vemos pronto!
simply gorgeous
cheers Thank you :)
Just great!!!
Wow. I like the mood and the weather you find there. Shots are on spot. Real Story!
appreciate your lovely comment :) cheers!