2017 Review | An Emotional Roller Coaster Year

LOVE – hate – JOY – loneliness – OPTIMISM – negativity – SERENITY – fear – ECSTASY – grief – LIFE – death – HOPE
Looking back at 2017… It was the toughest year we ever had to face as a couple and as a family… We can clearly remember the countless hours we have spent in the hospitals taking care of Silvia (Helen´s awesome mother) as she bravely fought against cancer until her dying moment… I can still hear Silvia´s voice whispering to my ears “take good care of my babies, please take care of them” (referring to Helen and our baby Emily). We will never forget her, we are looking forward to see her in paradise very soon <3
Infinite sleepless night worrying that we were not ready to be parents, we thought our baby is arriving at the wrong moment of our lives. But we were wrong, Emily is arriving just at the right moment… It gave Silvia another big reason to fight for life and to be able to see and kiss her only grand child. Silvia´s death broke our hearts in thousands of pieces but Emily´s life and her happiness cured our broken hopes and dreams.
We know who we are and we know where we are going as long as we stay together and we don’t lose hope… Don’t lose hope… Love never fails!
Press play… pump up the music… enjoy the images :) Sending you all the good vibes and warm love for 2018!!!
This is THE most amazing incredible piece of art I’ve seen in a long time! Soooo emotional! Thank you for sharing!
Cheers Maggie!!! Thank you for your beautiful words :) Hope to see you again soon!
Brillant! Marvellous! This is art knowing how to capture and convey emotions!
Congratulations for your hard work!
Thanks for passing by really appreciate your time!
Tbis is epic!
Thank you
This is so absolutely inspiring! Your creativity and heart is so evident in these photos! I always look forward to seeing you post your work and I can’t wait to see what you create in 2018!
Thanks to you and Dustin for being a huge part of our 2017! We can gladly call you as our friends and anytime and whenever you guys need some panda hugs we are always here :)
I have no words. This is absolutely amazing. Every photo is a masterpiece.
Happy New Year friends!!
thank you so much my friend :) Sending you all anaconda hugs <3
I have no words. This is absolutely amazing
Congratulations for your hard work!
Thanks brother ;) appreciate your comment :)
Desde la primera vez que conocí tu trabajo, simplemente decidí que esta emoción que trasmites seria mi inspiración. Siempre que necesito motivarme o saber a donde voy solamente veo tu trabajo, y regreso para enamorarme de mi trabajo. Exelente trabajo e inspirador!
Muy bonito comentario compi :) muchas gracias por tu apoyo :)
No words! For us, you are #1 jw-photographers in the world!
Thanks :) all the best!!!
Stunning set guys! So inspirational and emotionally charged!
Thank you so much